Emily Patterson


Emily is the clinical director/owner of Joyworks Counseling. She offers over 15 years’ experience working with families, including nearly 10 years working with children who were victims of severe abuse and neglect. She is trained in Theraplay, Child Centered Play Therapy, Adlerian Play Therapy, Sandtray Therapy, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Trauma Focused-CBT, Adoption Competency, Brainspotting, and Prepare/Enrich.  Emily is an Internationally Credentialed Sandtray Therapist (ICST #21-019). Emily is also a Certified Circle of Security Parenting Facilitator. Emily has 10 year’s experience working with the

 Emily is committed to bringing restoration and healing to families by delivering professional mental health care services that help create safety, offer hope, and increase joyful connections within relationships.

 Emily is a sought-after presenter and trainer and loves to teach the integration of God’s truth with biological learning as she instructs parents on parenting the whole child.

 Emily lives in Fairhope Alabama.

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