Why Choose This Workshop:

This intensive will help you clarify your God-given aptitudes and personal motivations while also revealing your unconscious strategies that keep you from reaching your potential by utilizing the most respected assessment tools – Meyers Briggs Type Indicator and the Enneagram.

Self-awareness is the number one requirement before anyone can change, improve, or grow. Spiritually we know we must first be aware we are a sinner before we have a need for a Savior. You must know where you are before you can see what is needed to get you where you want to go.

This workshop is designed to uncover the deeper reasons you stay stuck in patterns personally, relationally, or professionally so you can break unconscious habits and motivations.

What To Expect:

Attendees will have a clinically accurate insight that is specific in identifying both strengths and areas of weakness and their relationship to your early childhood. 

Attendees will gain an understanding of how to express who you are to others as a way of improving communication and cooperation.

Attendees will have a reduced frustration in your expectations of others as you will also increase in your “other’s” awareness.

Attendees will see the relationship of your personal makeup and the fruit of the Spirit as you seek to grow.

Attendees can expect lively exercises of both self and other’s awareness in small group discussions along with individual time of reflection and assessment in developing a personal blueprint for growth.




We’re Sorry There Are No Available Dates For This Workshop.